"Predicting is hard. Especially the future."


China's wind capacity will put it in first place globally by the start of 2011.

The March, 2011 Japanese earthquake will cost well over $100B, and over 50K lives will be lost.


The March, 2011 Japanese earthquake will cost over $200B. Lives lost could be several times 10K..

February 28, 2011 "I'll predict that in 5 years this ( TerraPower's Traveling Wave Reactor ) will not have advanced beyond the lab demonstration."

In a message dated 11/12/08 9:07:20 PM, James.S.Warniak@aero.org writes:

I'll make a prediction, an unusually short-term one, that within six months there will be a Mexican drug gang-related incident in the US that will make front page headline across the country, involving some extreme violence in broad daylight in a major US city and the violent death of at least three innocent bystanders (this definition is to include any police casualties).


Subject: Prediction on number of C-17 orders.
From: James S Warniak
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2007

I'll enter a prediction that Congress will add money to keep the line going at least one more year, for at least 10 aircraft to at total of 200 for the USAF.

Subject: Prediction on decreased gas usage
From: James S Warniak
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 09:00:50 -0700

I will further quantify my prediction on gas usage in privately owned vehicles to say that at the end of 2007 we will have seen a trend of decreased total usage, somewhat erratic but still downward, by maybe as much as 10%. I'm guessing that successive gas price hits and supply problems have started a lot of people thinking about doing something different next time they buy a car or move, and these decisions will tend to be in the direction of more efficient cars or living closer to work or working closer to home.


Subject: 747 Advanced version.

Fri, 23 Sep 2005 09:47:41 -0700

One for the prediction file:

Boeing will launch the 747 Advanced version this year and will end the year with at least 30 announced orders, including passenger orders.

This note is from the head of CargoLux, a big European freight hauler.


Ogiermann said he's also hearing, through the industry grapevine, that many passenger carriers are seriously thinking about ordering 747 Advanced aircraft.

"What I hear is that they're looking for something without the huge risks of the A380," he said. "What I hear, behind the scenes, is that there's strong interest on the passenger side."


Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 09:00:50 -0700
Subject: Hillary

November, 2006.
Hillary will not be elected in 2008.

Subject: RE: no oil
From: "Ebert, John C"
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2006 15:47:32 -0600

I don't see anything on the horizon that will deter Iran from developing nuclear weapons, short of a bombing campaign. And I don't think that is likely, given the current Iraq conundrum. And even if we clear up Iraq, the nation won't support a pre-emptive war against Iran.

For the vault: Iran gets a nuclear weapon by 2020.


Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 14:38:30 -0500
Expires: After vote.

Back in prediction mode, I say that whoever receives the next SC nomination will also be confirmed, but will have fewer yes votes.

Into the vault it goes.


Subject: RE: Robust Rovers
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 11:47:00 -0500
Expires: 051009

I think nobody finished last time. They all crashed, burned, or otherwise came to a halt.

I predict that several will complete the trip this time.

Based purely on confidence in the progress of technology rather than on any specific knowledge.


Subject: Gas prices

Mon, 15 Aug 2005 08:14:00 -0500

Just to be contrarian, I say that I'll see $1.99 before I see $3.19. (Based on prices I see here on my way to work.) We spiked to $2.59 last week - right in the middle of the range.



081106 10:13 AM

"Sarah Palin will not be the GOP nominee for President in 2012."


November 15, 2010.

The 112th Congress will not pass a single one of the Bowles & Simpson deficit correction recommendations.

The Reps will hold, the Dems will cave, and the Bush tax cuts will be extended for everyone for at least 2 more years.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: john ebert Date: Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 7:42 PM Subject: Re: Gee, what should we do? Sanctions, schmanctions - Iran will have its nukes. I seem to remember making a prediction that Iran would have a nuclear weapon by 2017, probably stated at the time as "within 10 years", which woud have made it about 2007 when I made it. I don't know if it's in the vault, but if not, go ahead and enter it as, "Iran will have a nuclear weapon by 12/31/2017. Either Iran will make an announcement, or an Iranian test will have been detected." JE


Subject: Gas prices

Mon, 15 Aug 2005 10:26:36 EDT

We could do the same thing with our local station here, but use easier numbers. It was $2.49(^9) yesterday, halfway between $2 and $3. I don't recall ever seeing it that high. I'd lean toward believing it will see $3 before $2. So John, how about $2 vs $3 on your station? Is $3 already too close for comfort?



In a message dated 9/8/08 2:29:50 PM, writes:

Its kind of long to wait, but we could put on the predictions page that there will be large scale tests of one or more of these ideas by 2020, and serious implementation by 2030. And to make it silly and fun, I'll further predict that ocean seeding will be the first large scale endeavor of this sort.


In spite of the long timeframe, go ahead and log the predictions. However difficult they may be to pin down and define precisely, I'd like to see how far off I was, or if the guess was more or less on target.
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 2008 12:23 PM
But I suspect vit D will hold up to scrutiny - put it in the vault.
/*Folic Acid, B Vitamins Offer No Cancer Protection */

from/ USA Today/ Researchers have more disappointing news for people who hope to protect their health with vitamins. In the longest-running trial of its kind, doctors found that folic acid and other B vitamins didn't prevent breast cancer or cancer in general, according to a seven-year study of 5,442 women in today's/ Journal of the American Medical Association/. Researchers randomly assigned some of the women to take the supplements—folic acid, vitamin B-6 and vitamin B-12—and others to get placebos. Neither the women nor their doctors knew which pills they were taking—a type of trial that is widely considered the "gold standard" for medical evidence.


Date: Thu, 01 Jan 2009 11:40 PM

I scanned this item way back in August, but sending it has been on ice due to hurricane aftermath. Didn't scan the whole article, because I felt the chart was the important part. So then, will 2005 be the world peak for oil? Had prices stayed up near $150, there would have been a sustained push to bring on more supply. But now that's its crashed to around $40, its unlikely that will happen for a few more years. Will decline of existing fields have made it impossible by then to get back above 2005? Put in the prediction log that MDZ says 2005 will remain the top.


Subject: Oil prices

Wed, 25 June 2008

In a message dated 6/25/08 11:59:21 AM, pamela.r.zuteck@boeing.com writes:

Oil could cost as little as $113 a barrel or as much as $186 a barrel in 2030, the analysis assumed in making the demand forecast. Adjusted for inflation, the $113 price would be about $70 in 2006 dollars, the report said.

Hey Bob, how about tossing this into the predictions collection? 2030 is too long to wait, but I'm quite convinced this is going to look really stupid a long time before that, both in the price of oil , and the assumed inflation rate for the dollar. This beltway bunch is complete out of touch with reality.