Class of 1929 -------------
The entire 1929 class annual, The Acorn, has been made available by the Laubscher family, and Pat (Laubscher) Yarbrough, class of 1963, in particular, who became aware of the Godwin's Past project and made sure that the annual was made available for the enjoyment of all. Essentially a mint copy of the annual, which has survived time and the elements. The class of 1929 was special for a number of reasons. World events spared it from the Great Depression to come, and for the same reasons it was the only class to partake of the now famous trip to Yellowstone National Park. The almost boundless energy of the Saur's, and a nation yet uncroweded enough to allow people to travel and camp wherever they liked, and yet safe enough for them to do so, plus a small class size, made for an almost unique experience for Godwin students. The Great Depression, WWII, the depression that followed the war, and then the Korean "conflict," put 25 years between the Yellowstone trip of 1929, and final world peace, more or less, in 1954. By then Godwin classes were far too large to make such a trip practical, the country had grown a lot, and it was almost the dawn of the interstate road system. It just would not have been the same.
Simply left click on "The Acorn" above, and browse the 1929 annual page by page. Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of each page. There are comments below some of the pages and other information provided by other alumni.
( Provided by Alto May Keiser, class of 1929 ( did not graduate ), who collected the material, Lee (Tanner) Collins, class of 1941, and Joanne Dulyea Hamilton, class of 1951. )
Material provided by a 1966 effort to write a history of Godwin book. The effort was apparently abandoned.
Note that many street addresses in Kent county changed in 1943, so street names shown above might not exist in year 2006. Just when the class list was compiled, or from what source, is not known.
( The item above and those below provided by Alto May (McConnell) Keiser, class of 1929 ( did not graduate ), who collected the material, Lee (Tanner) Collins, class of 1941, and Joanne Dulyea Hamilton, class of 1951. )
Left click on the item above for a much larger version.
Professor Bassett is Leroy Bassett, Godwin science teacher.
Class of 1929 60th Reunion.
( Reunion material provided by Lee (Tanner) Collins, class of 1941. )
1928 senior class play, and a gas station, possibly at the SE corner of 36th and Division.
( Material provided by Lee (Tanner) Collins, class of 1941. )
( Provided by Alta May Keiser, class of 1929 ( did not graduate ), who collected the material, Lee (Tanner) Collins, class of 1941, and Joanne Dulyea Hamilton, class of 1951, and the daughter of Alta May Keiser. )
( Provided by Alta May Keiser, class of 1929 ( did not graduate ), who collected the material, Lee (Tanner) Collins, class of 1941, and Joanne Dulyea Hamilton, class of 1951, and the daughter of Alta May Keiser. )
Following are some newspaper clips about and photographs and postcards from the 1929 trip to Yellowstone National Park. At present there is no other information about the scenes shown.
NOTE: click the "back" button on your browser after viewing an item.
Al Foster was the last surviving member of the Godwin class of 1929, and for close to a year the oldest living Godwin alumni. He served on the Godwin school board in and around 1961. Starting perhaps in 1949, he managed Loveland's Drug Store, on Division Avenue, about two blocks south of Godwin, on the same side of the road. ( As of year 2008 that too is long gone, and is a mattress shop. ) Al was on the famous ( at Godwin anyway ) Yellowstone senior class trip, in 1929. Al attended the Golden G luncheon in September, 2007, and seemed to be in good health.
See the Golden G items in section "G" for a recent photo of Al Foster.
Al Foster, reading papers, taken September 8, 2007, Golden G luncheon.